Adobe Connect

Known issues

Activate devices and remote control under Mac

If you cannot activate the microphone, camera and screen sharing control under the Adobe Connect Application for Mac, it might be necessary to allow access under the following menu:

Mac OS > click on the apple icon, top left on screen > System Preferences > Security and Privacy  > Privacy > Camera / Microphone / Screen Recording / Accessibility > Give admission to Adobe Connect



Undervisning med Adobe Connect

Lectures in major auditoriums, combined with online lectures (hybrid scenarios), are often the most demanding scenarios to handle. Particularly, if good audio quality is needed for all the meeting attendees (virtual and present). Below you will find some points about how to establish a succesful hybrid scenario.  

Lecture hall:


Scenario: Desktop with a computer, USB headset and a web camera

User with a desktop computer

If you have a good headset, or maybe a small speakerphone, you can most likely attend Adobe Connect meetings using your existing computer and internet connection.

You only need a fast computer/laptop, which is not more than 3-4 years old, and an internet connection at 1 Mbit/s download and 256 kbit/s upload mininum. Less can do it, but then you need to configure Adobe Connect correctly.


Scenario: Meeting room with speakerphone and 360 degree voice activated camera

This scenario supports multiple people in a meeting room, attending a netmeeting via Adobe Connect. Polycom CX5000 is a speakerphone with a speaker and microphone to prevent echo during the meeting. At the same time it consists of a number of cameras on the top, covering participants around the table. You will need Windows 7 or newer for CX5000.


Scenario: Conference room with interactive whiteboard, speakerphone and HD web camera


This scenario supports multiple people in a meeting room, attending a netmeeting via Adobe Connect. A speakerphone, here a ClearOne 150, is a combined speaker and microphone to ensure that meeting participants can hear each other without echo. Along with the internet connected computer, the speakerphone provides the basis for the netmeeting.



Adobe Connect may be used for both open meeting rooms and for individual use at a workstation og laptop. In the following pages you will be inspired by different scenarios that illustrate some physical conditions for virtual meetings. 

Proposals for equipment are listet, and the interaction between the particiapants and the media are described. Click on the pictures to learn more!

Conference Room


Guestacces in Adobe Connect

Everybody may get access to a Connect meeting as a guest. Guests are persons who have not been set up with a Connect account, user name and password. As such, a guest can be any person you invite to a Connect meeting.

You invite a guest to a meeting by sending the URL for the meeting to the guest in an email, chat message, sms or similar (i.e. URL:  The guest chooses "Enter as a Guest" in the login window and writes his or her name before entering.



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