
IPv6 project

The Internet we know today is based on IPv4 (Internet Protocol). Because of the prospect of running out of addresses a new protocol for handling addresses was developed in 1996. It was called IPv6 (IPv5 Internet Streaming Protocol never materialised).

Scarcity of IPv4 adresses is now a reality, for instance in the APNIC region (Asia/Australia).

IPv6 on Wikipedia



IPv6 is implemented in Forskningsnettet production network, so that IPv6 and IPv4 run side by side in the backbone and in its connection to NORDUnet.

There are also established a number of IPv6 peerings with other Danish internet providers through the DIX (Danish Internet Exchange).

Institutions connected to Forskningsnettet are generally assigned a pool of IPv6 adresses - a /48 (280 addresses).

Allocation of IPv6 addresses

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