Registration for TNC21 is open

If you want to join TNC21, you can tick the calendar on 21-25 June 2021.

This time the event is held as a virtual conference, and over the course of five days, the program will include everything from live and on-demand content over demos, "lightning talks" and to fun virtual networking activities.

The program will thus cover a wide range of topics and provide a snapshot of the global education and research environment.



GÉANT develops and operates a high capacity network connecting European national research and education networks (NREN's) with each other and with the rest of the world. GÉANT also coordinates a number of EU-funded development projects.

GÉANT is owned by 38 European NREN's and NORDUnet representing the five Nordic NREN's.

DeiC is connected to the GÉANT networking infrastructure through NORDUnet.

DeiC is also involved in multiple working groups, task forces, special interest groups and research projects within GÉANT.


International connections

Forskningsnettet delivers international connections through NORDUnet and GÉANT.


NORDUnet is a cooperation between the Nordic research networks. NORDUnet interconnects the Nordic research networks and provides the connection to the rest of the world.

Network and services from NORDUnet


GÉANT is the pan-European research and education network. GÉANT is financed by the EU and the European national research network.


Testbeds-as-a-service to help researchers design networks

Researchers who build networks or design advanced distributed applications now have the opportunity to test their designs in a real-world environment – without the risk of breaking services belonging to others in the process. The GÉANT Testbeds Service (GTS) is ready to welcome users.

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