
Now the work with the supercomputer LUMI begins

The procurement process of LUMI (Large Unified Modern Infrastructure) has now been completed and the system vendor has been selected so that the supercomputer can become operational for next year.

LUMI is a unique European supercomputer initiative that includes ten countries, including Denmark, and EuroHPC Joint Undertaking (EuroHPC JU), which together invest in a very large research computer with a top performance of 552 petaflop / s. Danish Universities are part of LUMI with DeiC as administrator.


Scientist: Software development is the foundation of supercomputer success

The field of astrophysics is a major consumer of supercomputer time and has a long tradition of using the powerful calculators that extend all the way back to the 1950s and the first computers in the world.

The research area is characterised by very large scales in time and space, which places massive demands on the ability of the IT departments.


Research network connects hospital gene equipment to supercomputer

Rigshospitalet i København

The Center for Genomic Medicine at the national hospital Rigshospitalet in Copenhagen, Denmark, performs genetic analyzes of samples taken from patients. The employees use sequencing machines to convert the samples to digital data, which they then analyze on Computerome.


Dedicated line between supercomputers saves time for biomedical researchers

Researchers at the Aarhus University Institute for Biomedicine and Bioinformatics Research Centre (BiRC) use two computer systems: The GenomeDenmark cluster in the city of Aarhus and the national supercomputer Computerome at the Technical University of Denmark.

Computerome is run by DeiC (Danish e-Infrastructure Cooperation), the Danish NREN (National Research and Education Network). The two computers are more than a hundred kilometers apart.


Gardar - a joint Nordic computing facility in Iceland

The following information is old and will not be updated. It consists of the presentation of Gardar from the DeiC web site at the time.

Denmark, Norway, Sweden and Iceland have joined forces to establish a supercomputing facility in Iceland.

The computer, called Gardar (, is a cluster of 288 nodes, each with 2 Intel Xeon CPU (2.53GHz) with 6 cores, which gives 3,456 cores and a theoretical capacity of 35 Teraflops. There are 24 Gbytes of RAM pr. node. The computer was inaugurated on 16. April 2012.


PRACE - international supercomputers

PRACE (Partnership for Advanced Computing in Europe) is a collaboration between a number of European countries. Participants get the opportunity to use very large supercomputer facilities around Europe.

DeiC is the Danish national member of PRACE. That gives Danish researchers access to the resources. The PRACE high performance computing facilities (HPC) are much larger than the systems available in Denmark.

DeiC Coordinator for HPC, Kurt Gammelgaard Nielsen, represents DeiC on the PRACE Council

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