
International cooperation

Denmark's research cannot develop its full potential if we do not look beyond our national borders. Therefore, DeiC supports development on the national level with technical, political and international knowledge. You can see here the various international organizations in which DeiC participates.


DataCite Consortium

DataCite is an international non-profit organization that issues persistent identifiers (DOIs) for research data and more research objects (physical, digital or abstract).

The purpose is that research objects should be easy to find, access and quote, in order to make research outputs findable and reusable.


Management CAB on Research Data Management

Area of responsibility

The Management CAB on Research Data Management considers recommendation from the eScience Committee, the Technical Reference Group for Data Management, and the National Forum for Research Data Management. It sends its recommendations to the DeiC Board and the DEFF Steering Group for final decision.

The Management CAB on Research Data Management is also responsible for overseeing the national effort and reporting to the DeiC Board and the DEFF Steering Group.

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