
Teknisk Referencegruppe for data management

Formålet er gennem et tværinstitutionelt samarbejde at fremme kendskabet til, opbygge viden om, teste og evaluere tekniske datamanagement værktøjer. Målet er at sikre en bred forståelse af de tekniske aspekter i datamanagement, såvel blandt teknikkere, forskere og de administrative ledelser på universiteter og bevaringsinstitutioner.

DM TekRef understøtter Nationalt Forum for Forskningsdata Management og DM LedelsesCAB, gennem teknisk rådgivning og anbefalinger. 


Technical Reference Group for Network Infrastructure

Technical Reference Group for the Research Network, called Net TekRef, is a group where you share experiences with other network people from the institutions, and where you can make suggestions and debate initiatives regarding the Research Network.

DeiC has the role of operating the backbone of the Research Network, under the leadership of Network Operations Manager Jan Ferré. The head of the Research Network, Martin Bech, is responsible for the development and services.


Technical Reference Group for High Performance Computing

The Technical Reference Group on High Performane Computing, known as HPC TekRef is a group, where HPC technicians from the local and national HPC centers can share experiences with each other. 
The purpose of the group is to facilitate  sharing og experiences and mutual inspiration between the institutions.

Members of the group participates in the yearly super computing conference (SC) in USA, and prepares afterwards a report to DeiC containing an assesment of future technologies. 

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