Data management

DM Advisory Forum

DM Advisory Forum has been established by DeiC’s board to ensure dialogue and involvement of the universities in the development of a national storage and infrastructure landscape to support data management.

The DM Advisory Forum should give advice to stimulate and strengthen the development of joint national services and activities in the field of data management based on the principle that investments in digital infrastructure for research and education must be coordinated, utilized and operated efficiently.


National cooperation

DeiC coordinates and evaluates the delivery of the digital research infrastructure and supports developments in national cooperation with technical, political and international knowledge. With the universities' commitment, we help researchers understand what infrastructure is available and how they can access it. You can see here the different national projects DeiC is involved in. 


DeiC annual report 2020 is ready

2020 was in the glow of Covid-19 an eventful year for DeiC.

The DeiC activity that has been most affected by the pandemic is without a doubt the video service Zoom.

The version of Zoom, which is offered to universities and institutions, has thus experienced homework up close. In connection with the repatriations in March 2020, there was an explosion in the number of users, and for the whole year, it became more than 15 million meeting hours.



Recommendations for implementing Open Science merit

Knowledge Exchange (KE) hhas just published the final report for the project  Openness Profile: Modelling research evaluation for open scholarship. The target group is researchers and decision-makers associated with the research sector (eg universities, grantors, libraries) who are interested in research evaluation. Lorna Wildgaard from the Royal Library (KB) has contributed as a Danish expert in the project.

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