Quick Start
Get started
Below examples are based on DeiCs evaluation account and DeiCs landing page: deic.zoom.us
Please swap the URL for DeiCs landing page, with the URL for your own organisation: Zoom user organisations
A. Create meeting rooms and manage account via WAYF/SSO:
1. Create account and your personal meeting room by logging on to deic.zoom.us/signin (WAYF/SSO)
2. Select your home organisation and use logon credentials from your home organisation
3. Install client if not already installed on your computer
4. The Zoom administration interface opens
5. Select My Profile > Personal Meeting ID > Edit > select Use Personal Meeting ID for instant meetings
6. Select Meetings > Personal Meeting Room > Edit this meeting / Copy Invitation / send invitation via email / Start Meeting
7. To create new meeting room select: My Meetings > Upcoming Meetings > Schedule a new Meeting > evt. vælg Recurring Meeting > Recurrence: No fixed time
Alternatively, create, manage and open your meeting via the Zoom client software on your computer
B. Open instant meeting via WAYF/SSO:
1. Access deic.zoom.us/start/videomeeting (WAYF/SSO)
2. Select your home organisation and use logon credentials from your home organisation
3. Install Zoom, if not already installed on your computer
4. Your instant meeting starts automatically
5. You can send invitation via the menu item "Invite"
Alternatively, create, manage and open your meeting via the Zoom client software on your computer
C. Access other people´s meeting room:
1. Access deic.zoom.us/join
2. Enter meeting ID (obtained from meeting host) > click Join
D. Share your screen in other people´s meeting room:
1. Access deic.zoom.us/share
2. Enter the meeting room ID (obtained room meeting organizer) > click Share
E. Get an account / meeting room without using WAYF/SSO:
1. Order an account at DeiC via videokonf@deic.dk
2. Log on via zoom.us/signin
3. Select My Profile > Personal Meeting ID > Edit > select Use Personal Meeting ID for instant meetings
4. Select Meetings > Personal Meeting Room > Edit this meeting / Copy Invitation / send invitation via email / Start Meeting
5. To create new meeting room select: My Meetings > Upcoming Meetings > Schedule a new Meeting > evt. vælg Recurring Meeting > Recurrence: No fixed time
6. Subsequently, the meeting can be opened automatically in the client software via zoom.us/start/videomeeting
Alternatively, manage and open your meetings via Zoom client software
Furhter information: