Online meetings and collaboration

DeiC offers Zoom and Adobe Connect for online meetings and lectures.

Thereby, you can conduct online meetings with your colleagues, whereever they are, or you can extend the outreach with online learning from your department.

Zoom is very strong for synchronous meetings and lectures, where content only exists here and now, or where content is shared from other systems via links and screen sharing.

Adobe Connect is particularly strong for online lectures, where content is shared and displayed directly in the meeting room, both before, during and after the meeting.


  Adobe Connect Zoom
Application Educational courses with persistent content in chat, texts, boards, files, etc., over good, stable networks Synchronous meetings and lectures, with non-persistent chat, presentations, filesharing and more, maybe over volatile networks
View / Layout Everybody sees the same Everybody can decide what layout to use in the meeting room
Reuse All content, layout, structure and meetings can be copied and reused Whiteboard contents, texts, settings and meeting rooms can not be copied and reused
Full, active recordings Recording all content, active recordings, auto indexes, searchability, editing Only audio, video, screen, non-active, not searchable, not editable recordings


Revised 18/06/21