Technical Reference Group for High Performance Computing

The Technical Reference Group for High Performance Computing is open for anyone with an interest in High Performance Computing.

The Technical Reference Group on High Performane Computing, known as HPC TekRef is a group, where HPC technicians from the local and national HPC centers can share experiences with each other. 
The purpose of the group is to facilitate  sharing og experiences and mutual inspiration between the institutions.

Members of the group participates in the yearly super computing conference (SC) in USA, and prepares afterwards a report to DeiC containing an assesment of future technologies. 

Knowledge sharing and inspiration

HPC TekRef works as an ERFA group, where the participants can raise topics, that they work on and get input from the other participants. Or they can inform about deployment of new technologies and their experince with it.

HPC TekRef is good inspiration and a possibility to meet the collegues from the other HPC centers.

Every meeting also contains a status from DeiC and the national HPC centers. 

Reference group for DeiC

The group also serves as a reference group for DeiC in connection with:

  1. Formulating suggestions for designs for national HPC and data centers.
  2. Keeping abreast of technological developments on an international level and ensuring national sharing of knowledge.
  3. Appointing participants in national and international technical fora on behalf of DeiC.

Thus, the group acts supplementary to the DeiC eScience Committee which represents the scientific area.

DeiC serves as secretariat for the group.

The group meets approximately three times a year. The chairman arranges the meetings in collaboration with the secretariat and potentially a host-institution.

The chairman is Mads Boye, System Administrator, Aalborg University (email:

For further information please contact Head of Secretariat Gitte Kudsk


Revised 30/03/16

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