Incident Response
DKCERT receives reports from persons who have been exposed to a security incident related to Forskningsnettet (the Danish Research Network). It may be attacks on computers connected to the network or attacks from the network aimed at others. The role of DKCERT is of an intermediary and advisory nature.
The Incident Response service includes direct technical support to handle the security incident. DKCERT proposes solutions to the problems and warns others who are at risk of a similar incident. This takes into account the stakeholders' wish for anonymity and confidentiality.
Examples of the activities in the incident response service are:
- Problem analysis: An analysis of the security problem, a threat assesment, and technical assistance to identify and correct weaknesses.
- Technical advice: In collaboration with other Incident Response Teams in the world warnings are issued about security problems and countermeassures.
- Coordination: Coordination with other Incident Response Teams in connection with incidents with origin in Denmark or several places in the world.
When an institution connected to the Danish Research Network is subject to a security incident, it may be reported to DKCERT.
Report a security incident to DKCERT at
DTU, Asmussens Allé, Bygning 305
DK-2800 Kgs. Lyngby
Phone (+45) 35 88 82 55