
In 2016 users spent 219.816 meeting hours in Connect, up 24 % from 2015. This represents savings of approximately 57.273.059 DKK with regard to transportation and lost work, and savings of approximately 1.546.131 kg of CO2.

Assumptions for the estimates

95% of all the meeting attendees have on average avoided traveling all in all 90 km to attend a meeting lasting 2 hours. The meeting attendees would have spent 2 hours on transportation back and forth.

5% of all the meeting attendees have on average avoided traveling all in all 1,600 km to attend a meeting lasting 2 hours. The meeting attendees would have spent 5 hours on transportation back and forth.

Cost per km (traveling): 1.2 DKK.

Hourly working rate per user: 200 DKK.

Users can utilize 25% of travel time to work.

Average CO2 emissions per km: 85 g / km (average for train, car, plane).

Revised 21/03/16

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