Known issues

Activate devices and remote control under Mac

If you cannot activate the microphone, camera and screen sharing control under the Adobe Connect Application for Mac, it might be necessary to allow access under the following menu:

Mac OS > click on the apple icon, top left on screen > System Preferences > Security and Privacy  > Privacy > Camera / Microphone / Screen Recording / Accessibility > Give admission to Adobe Connect


Deactivate Flash Player in browser for best experience (Win/Mac)

With version 10.2, it is now time to disable Flash Player in ones browser to get the best experience in Adobe Connect.

Thereby, the meeting always opens in the desktop application, Adobe Connect Meeting Application, or possibly directly in the browser with the support that will be extended over the coming months:

By completely disabling Flash Player, one also safeguards against inconveniences in e.g. FireFox and Safari that will not open Adobe Connect Application if Flash Player is partially active in the browser.

Here's how to disable Flash Player in each browser:

- Microsoft Edge: Settings > Advanced > Flash Player > Disable
- Microsoft Internet Explorer > Tools (sprocket icon) > Manage Add-ons > Toolbars and Extensions > Shockwave Flash Object > Disable
- Google Chrome: Settings > Advanced > Privacy and Security > Site Settings > Flash > Block sites from running Flash
- FireFox: Settings > Preferences > Extensions & Themes > Shockwave Flash > … icon > select Newer activate (not set by default)
- Safari: Preferences > Websites > Plug-ins > Adobe Flash Player > (deselect)

Latest version of Adobe Connect Meeting Application can always be downloaded here:


Adobe Connect and Ubuntu (Linux)

For Ubuntu, we recommend using Google Chrome for Adobe Connect. You should not disable Flash Player, but instead enable it when you reach the logon page, where Flash is needed.

Select "Download Flash Player" > Allow (small pop up menu) > Access the URL / Link to the meeting room again

As the Adobe Connect Application does not exist for Linux, screen sharing in Adobe Connect is not possible on Ubuntu/Linux.

If needed, you can verify the correct settings under Google here: 

Google Chrome: Settings > Advanced > Privacy and Security > Content Setting > Flash > "Ask First" should be selected > Allow: , should be registered


Revised 21/03/16

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