Getting an Adobe Connect account


Automatic access

All users at an institution connected to DeiC will automatically get an Adobe Connect when logging on here via WAYF: 


You will also receive an email with a link to your first meeting room automatically.

All other individuals can access Adobe Connect meetings as guests.

Accounts - for users at other institutions

For organisations, which are not yet using WAYF, user accounts can be created manually. 

1. You create an Excel file with user information as shown below. ATTENTION: Use an e-mail address from your home organization. You cannot use your private e-mail address. Next, make sure only to use active e-mail addresses.

Excel example: Download template

2. Next, you send this file to Connect support at DeiC.
3. All users in the list will subsequently receive an automatic generated e-mail with the login information.
4. Each user can now create their first meeting and get started.

If in doubt, you can always contact Thorkild Jensen, +45 35 88 82 35.

Revised 10/03/16

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