This year's first webinar is about Metadata for Machines

As we were unfortunately forced to cancel the DeiC conference 2020 due to the Corona situation, we have instead held a webinar series that will now continue into the spring of 2021.
The first of the year thus runs off the stack on 21 January and is about Metadata for Machines (M4M).
Last year, DeiC and GO FAIR, in collaboration, held a series of workshops on metadata that can be exchanged between machines. In continuation of these, DeiC will conduct a series of events, the first of which is this webinar.
The M4M content must be developed in collaboration with interested research groups so that it can become a national resource in the implementation of the upcoming DeiC FAIR Data-strategy.
Metadata is a very complex quantity, and therefore the aim is to design open standards that specifically address the FAIR-principles (Findable, Accessible, Interoperable og Reusable).
In practice, this means that data is classified and structured for use in an automated process. It is thus a matter of adapting scientific data models so that they can be meaningfully and automatically used by others, for example on a supercomputer, and thereby utilize the data potential in completely new ways.
You can hear much more about this on 21 January 2021 at 13: 00-15: 00, where you can also experience a number of concrete case stories and future plans.
You can find the entire program here, where you can also sign up for the webinar.