National research data management governance structure
The local, national, and international efforts under the strategy justify a national governance structure. It is implemented as described below.
The National Forum for Research Data Management (DM Forum)
Established as a three-year pilot project which reports on activities and deliverables to the DeiC Board and DEFF’s Steering Committee with a view to annual evaluation and assessment of whether and how the project should be continued.
The National Forum for Research Data Management is the focal point for the exchange of experience and collaboration on the development of competencies and infrastructures, and the Forum coordinates the Danish efforts in connection with international activities, participates in/follows relevant bodies, follows projects such as ELIXIR across borders, and follows the EU in the open data area. The Forum guarantees that local/national solutions are not developed if foreign solutions can be utilized.
The chairman is appointed by the DeiC Board and DEFF’s Steering Committee on the stakeholders’ recommendation (DM Forum members list).
The eScience Committee (part of DeiC’s existing governance structure)
Expands its activities to include research data management with responsibility for the scientific aspects of the work carried out in the National Forum for Research Data Management.
The Technical Reference Group for Research Data Management (DM TekRef)
Is established as an open reference group. The chairman is appointed by the DeiC Board and DEFF’s Steering Committee on the Steering Committee’s recommendation.
The Management Change Advisory Board for Research Data Management (DM LedelsesCAB)
Established as the central governance node is responsible for supervising the national efforts.
The Management Change Advisory Board considers recommendations from the eScience Committee, the Technical Reference Group for Research Data Management, and the National Forum for Research Data Management, and submits its recommendations to the DeiC Board and DEFF’s Steering Committee for decision.
The Change Advisory Board consists of the three chairmen from the above mentioned forums and a representative from each of the following bodies:
- The Danish National Archives
- The State and University Library and the Royal Library
- The Coordinating Body for Register-based Research (Det Koordinerende Organ for Registerforskning)
- The CIO Forum of the Danish Rectors’ Conference
- The Forum operator
- DeiC
The Change Advisory Board is headed by a chairman appointed by the DeiC Board and DEFF’s Steering Committee (Change Advisory Board members list).
The DeiC Board and DEFF’s Steering Committee consider recommendations from the Change Advisory Board and continually evaluates efforts, results, and co-financing with a view to making decisions concerning continued financing of the activities. Two months prior to an upcoming grant period, the chairman of the forum must thus submit an evaluation and a plan via the Management Change Advisory Board to the DeiC Board and DEFF’s Steering Committee before funds for the next grant period can be released.
The CIO Forum of the Danish Rectors’ Conference
Is responsible for investigating and coordinating the choice of infrastructure solutions between the universities and for establishing common solutions together with DeiC where this makes sense.