National RDA-node (DK-RDA)

Research Data Alliance - also known as RDA - is a significant international network for stakeholders in research data management.
Danish RDA node logo


The Research Data Alliance (RDA) is a grassroots initiative financially supported by the EU, the USA and Australia with the aim of building the social and technical bridges for sharing and reusing research data. Anyone can join RDA and participate in a wide range of working groups and interest groups. Here, the members develop, for example, technical standards, guidelines and domain-specific best practices within research data management (RDA outputs).

DeiC is an ‘organizational member’ and participates in ‘organizational assembly’. As an organizational member, the organization influences the direction of the RDA and assists in the implementation and adoption of the RDA's recommendations.

A Danish RDA node has to August 2020 been part of the EU-supported RDA Europe 4.0 project since May 2019. The node is rooted in DeiC

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Revised 17/05/21

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