One of the most powerfull supercomputers are being build in Finland as part of a EU funded European consortium. Here you can have a taste of what to expect. The computer is expected to be ready for use by the end of 2020. .

The combination of supercomputers and technologies like for instance artificial intelligens is an essential cocktail, that will help to drive science and research activities and thereby strengthen Europe's competitiveness in the future. The European High Perfomance Computing initiative plays a key role in this.

EuroHPC is a EU initiative, focusing on the development of High Performance Computing (HPC), in the aim to strengthen the european competetiveness in the area. The initiative will bring together europena and nationale resources, to create supercomputing and data-infrastructure in world class. 

The advantage of working cross bordes is the ability to build an economic and competetive HPC eco-system, that jointly can aquire and operate supercomputers and associated services and applications. 

EU and most of the EU member states have signed the declaration and agreed to invest in supercomputers in world-class. 

One the EU funded supercomputer projects, LUMI (Large Unified Modern Infrastructure), will be places in the CSC data center in Kajaani, Finland. The consortium members in LUMI are Finland, Belgium, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Norway, Poland, Sweden and Switzerland. DeiC coordinates the Danish participation on behlaf of the universities. The computer is expected to be ready for use by the end of 2020.

In this video you can have a preview of the project.

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Revised 03/01/20

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