HPC Forum

HPC Forum is established as an advisory agency in DeiC with reference to the DeiC board of directors.

Through its advice, the HPC Forum aims to stimulate and strengthen the development of common national services and activities in the field of HPC, based on the principle that investments in digital infrastructure for research and education must be coordinated, utilized and operated efficiently.

HPC Forum must help create a greater coherence between the international development and the Danish activities at local and national level. 


The DeiC board of directors appoints up to two persons from each university on the recommendation of the university. The chairman is appointed by the board from among the members on the recommendation of the group. 

HPC Forum consists of people with two different profiles: 

  • A person with research background and thorough technical knowledge of HPC
  • An experienced HPC user

The members are appointed for a 2-year term. The members also jointly determine the final design of the terms of reference. The terms of reference or mandate must be approved by the board of directors. 

HPC Forum October 2020

Aalborg University
Technical key person Associate Dean Torben Larsen prodekan-tech-forsk@aau.dk
Research experience Professor Christian Nielsen chn@business.aau.dk
Aarhus University
Technical key person Christian Storm Pedersen, head of Bioinformatics Research Centre cstorm@birc.au.dk
Research experience Søren Vang, leader in bioinformatics at the Department of Molecular Medicine (MOMA) and Department of Clinical Medicin vang@clin.au.dk
University of Southern Denmark
Technical key person Claudio Pica pica@cp3.sdu.dk
Research experience Hans Jørgen Jensen hjj@sdu.dk
Roskilde University
Technical key person with research experience Thomas Schrøder tbs@ruc.dk
Copenhagen Business School
Technical key person Lars Nondal ln.lib@cbs.dk
Research experience Carsten Sørensen cs.fi@cbs.dk
IT University of Copenhagen
Technical key person with research experience Philippe Bonnet phbo@itu.dk
University of Copenhagen
Technical key person Erik Bjørnager Dam erikdam@di.ku.dk
Research experience Piotr Jaroslaw Chmura piotr.chmura@cpr.ku.dk
Technical University of Denmark
Technical key person Sven Karlsson, DTU Compute svea@dtu.dk
Research experience Thomas Bligaard, DTU Energi tbli@dtu.dk
  Eske Christiansen eske.christiansen@deic.dk
  René Jacobsen rene.jacobsen@deic.dk


Meeting minutes from HPC Forum


Read more in "Kommissorium for HPC Forum" preliminary (in Danish).

Revised 22/02/21