Tildelte midler DeiC Call 2013
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Det Frie Forskningsråd har vurderet de indkomne ansøgninger i forbindelse med DeiC Call 2013.
Følgende har fået tildelt bevillinger:
Bevillingsmodtager | Institution | Projekttitel | Beløb/Kr. |
Hans Jørgen Aagaard Jensen | SDU | Computational Quantum Biology | 792.000 |
Claudio Pica | SDU |
Uncovering the nature of the Higgs boson
417.500 |
Marco Chiarandini | SDU |
Experimental Assessment of Optimization Algorithms for Graph Coloring and Timetabling
45.000 |
Peter Henrik Hansen | KU | Upgrade of the Copenhagen LHC Tier-1 system Tier-1 | 1.600.000 |
Markus Jochum | KU |
Danish center for climate computing
900.000 |
Kurt Valentin Mikkelsen | KU |
Bio-Nano Optics
700.000 |
Kresten Lindorff-Larsen | KU |
Combining NMR and computation to study the structural and functional dynamics of proteins
590.000 |
Jan Halborg Jensen | KU |
Protein structure determinating using chemical shifts derived from quantum mechanics
500.000 |
Søren Brunak | DTU |
Computational ranking of human offtarget proteins based on adverse drug reaction profiles
1.250.000 |
Jesper Mørk | DTU |
Advanced Multi-Physics Computational Platform towards Next-Generation Large-Scale Nanophotonics Structures
960.000 |
Mads Brandbyge
Simulation of graphene nanostructures at the Center for Nanostructured Graphene
490.000 |
Gilles Guillot | DTU | Geographic assignment of living organisms from genomic data | 400.000 |
Steen Hannestad | AU | Precision cosmology – the large scale structure of the universe | 851.950 |
Ove Christiansen | AU |
Accelerating Quantum Molecular Calculations using Tensor Decomposition
800.000 |
Lars Dyrskjot Andersen | AU |
Characterization of cellular subpopulations in Early stage bladder tumor
543.664 |
Jeppe Olsen | AU | The electronicstructure of transition-metal complexes | 500.000 |
Martin Møller Andreasen | AU |
Risk Matters Remodelling uncertainty within economics and finance
338.780 |
Christian Torp-Pedersen | AAU |
Risk models for Thromboembolic disease
1.589.000 |
Christian S. Jensen | AAU | High performance Spatio-Temporal data management | 1.011.840 |
Kim Guldstrand Larsen
AAU | Distributed Models Checking using HPC | 500.000 |
Torben Larsen | AAU |
High Performance Computing SMP Server for Signal Processing
200.000 |
Karin Levinsen | AAU |
Research Lab facilities for video analysis in design based research in field of ICT and learning
50.000 |
Revised 25/11/15