Webinar on FAIR research software

Mandag, august 30, 2021 - 13:00
RDA Nordic

Since the funding for the national RDA nodes under the RDA Europe 4.0 project ran out, the members of the previous Danish and Swedish RDA nodes decided that they still want to bring the outputs and good work of RDA to the Nordic region. Our main goal is to enhance research and increase networking.

As a starting point we have decided to begin our webinar series with the topic of FAIR research software. How to make software FAIR is in certain aspects heavily overlapping with the FAIR data principles in others unique definitions and practices are necessary. In the first webinar we want to focus on the basic differences between data and software, outputs of the RDA FAIR4RS working group and the experiences within the Nordic Region.

The topics of the upcoming webinars will be influenced by the participants.


Leyla Jael Garcia-Castro (FAIR4RS WG)
Carlos Martinez Ortiz (FAIR4RS WG)
Malin Sandström (INCF, SE)
Radovan Bast (CodeRefinery, NO)

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