
Survey to uncover needs for HPC, AI and HPDA resources and training

This is news from the EuroCC project. Learn more about EuroCC on the website.

High Performance Computing (HPC), Artificial Intelligence (AI), and High Performance Data Analytics (HPDA), is playing an increasingly significant role within a wide range of fields, from life sciences, physical sciences and mathematics, to medicine, linguistics and social science.


EuroCC outreach educate hundreds of researchers on HPC

This is news from the EuroCC project. Learn more about EuroCC on the website.

As a part of the EuroCC project the work package 6 (WP6) has been doing extensive outreach about HPC. WP6 among other things aims to facilitate access and create a pool of knowledge about HPC to raise the general competences.


HPC Landscapes

Training and Skills Landscape


Danish research benefits extremely well from PRACE

Danish researchers have been able to use high performance supercomputing (HPC) for the past 10 years via the Partnership for Advanced Computing in Europe called PRACE. This has led to a lot of advanced research projects, that can now be explored in a comprehensive overview.

Actually, more than 1.000 million CPU hours have been awarded to Denmark, which means that Danish researchers have been able to use compute time on the European supercomputers and perform calculations that would otherwise have taken 30.000 years to calculate using a single laptop.


The first Danish LUMI projects have been chosen

Before long LUMI in Finland will be online and open for the first pilot projects. To prepare both the scientists, support personnel, administration in different countries and the staff at LUMI, the supercomputer will commence with pilot projects, where everyone can learn to work the giant HPC before LUMI is expected to open for further calls later in 2021.


Visit the Danish EuroCC website

This is news from the EuroCC project. Learn more about EuroCC on the website.

One of the work packages in the EuroCC project is dedicated to create awareness. And resources from both AU and DeiC is used in order to expand the knowledge of High Performance Computing (HPC), Artificial Intelligence (AI) and High Performance Data Analysis (HPDA) on a National level.






Har du styr på hvor mange kurser, der er tilgængelige inden for HPC, AI og HPDA i Danmark?

Kenneth Skovhede, Project Lead, Københavns Universitet.

Dette er nyheder fra EuroCC-projektet. Lær mere om EuroCC på hjemmesiden

En arbejdsgruppe fra KU og AAU får ny indsigt i det nationale udvalg af læringsmuligheder inden for disse teknologier.


Use cases and inspiration

Use Cases

Coming soon!



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