Program mandag den 12. november

Program tirsdag

Tid Spor 1 Spor 2 Spor 3


Registrering, morgenkaffe - udstillingen er åben / Registration is open


Welcome and presentation of the DeiC Strategy
Chairman of the Board, Børge Obel, DeiC

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Opening keynote: E-Infrastructures and Research: An explosive mix?
Dr. David Foster, Deputy IT Department Head, CERN

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11.00 Pause / Break


Status for DeiC
CEO Steen Pedersen, DeiC

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Status og planer for DeiCs infrastruktur - net og services
Divisionsdirektør Martin Bech, UNI•C/DeiC

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Panel debate: The future of cluster computing - in the basement or in the cloud
Chaired by Deputy IT Department Head, David Foster, CERN
Head of system administration Kristoffer Rapacki, DTU
Development Manager Tommi Nyrönen, CSC
Technical Coordinator Vangelis Koukis, GRNET

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Visualizing the Digital Humanities
Project Manager Erik Champion, Digital Humanities Lab Denmark

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The future of scientific computing? Catering to all researchers
VP og partner Tuonas Eerola, Techila Technologies and BDM Mikkel Riis, Azure WE, Microsoft

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12.30 Netværksfrokost i udstillingen / Lunch in the exhibition


IPv6 - og hvad så?
Konsulent Anders Mundt Due, UNI•C/DeiC

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Succeeding with the scientific user communities
Development Manager Tommi Nyrönen, CSC

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The Road Ahead
Cloud Technologist Robin Prudholm, VMWARE

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WAYF: Nye funktioner, nye tjenester
Sekretariatsleder David Simonsen, WAYF

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National storage in Norway and Sweden
NorStore Project Manager Andreas Jaunsen, UNINETT

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Swestore coordinator Tom Langborg, National Computer Center

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Click en server
Business Development Manager, Henry Manners, Cisco

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15.00 Kaffepause / Coffee break


Status fra sikkerhedsfronten
Specialkonsulent Jens Borup Pedersen, DK•CERT/DeiC

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Kulturarv i Petabytes - det Nationale Bitmagasin 
Sektionsledere Klaus Kjærgaard og Bjarne Andersen, Statsbiblioteket

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HPC in Novo Nordisk
Principal Scientist Peter Gildsig Jansen, Novo Nordisk

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Nordic Networking in a Globalized Research Environment
CEO Rene Buch, NORDUnet

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Projektkoordinator Bente Larsen, Københavns Universitet

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"~okeanos: Building a real-world public cloud from the ground up"
Technical Coordinator Vangelis Koukis, ~okeanos, GRNET

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17.00 Pause / Break


e‐2‐e overvågning – hvor meget skal DeiC overvåge på campus?
Divisionsdirektør Martin Bech, UNI•C/DeiC

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CLARIN – en europæisk forskningsinfrastruktur
Institutleder Bente Maegaard, Københavns Universitet

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Supercomputing - et nationalt universitetssamarbejde
Professor Jeppe Olsen, Kemisk Institut Aarhus Universitet

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18.00 Pause / Break
19.00 Middag / Dinner
01.00 Baren lukker / Bar closes


Revideret 01/12/15

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