Scott Brim fra Internet2 er åbningskeynote på årets DeiC konference
DeiC konference 2013 ”The future of e-Science – Big Data – Big Science” – Comwell, Middelfart den 1.-2.oktober 2013
Programkomiteen har fået en aftale med Deputy Technology Officer of Internet2 Scott Brim om at give åbningskeynote til dette års DeiC konference.
Scott Brim vil perspektivere DeiC konferencens tema i år med følgende oplæg:
"Big Data - Big Issues: The issues surrounding big data are complex, interwoven, and difficult to grapple with. Currently, the research and education networking community only address a few of these issues directly but can help with more of them. What can we do to best promote 'friction-free science in a programmable world'?"
Om Scott Brim
He is Deputy Technology Officer of Internet2 with a focus on fostering technology innovation. He has been active in developing communications technology since 1978, and active in the IETF since its fourth meeting in 1986. From 2000 to 2011 he was Senior Consulting Engineer in the office of the CTO at Cisco. Previous to that he was Director of Technology Strategy at Newbridge Networks for 3 years and research staff at Cornell University for 18 years.
Sæt allerede nu kryds I kalenderen den 1. – 2. oktober til dette års DeiC konference.