DeiC konference 2012

Den første DeiC konference er afsluttet. Konferencen i 2013 holdes den 1. - 2. oktober.

I april 2012 blev Forskningsnettet og Dansk Center for Scientific Computing (DCSC) lagt sammen til Danish e-Infrastructure Cooperation – DeiC.

DeiC konferencen 2012 afløste derfor DCSCs årsmøde og den årlige Forskningsnet konference.

Konferencens tema er ”Data, regnekraft og netforbindelse – i forskningens tjeneste”. Konferencen satte fokus på brugernes forventninger til DeiC og samtidig præsenterede DeiCs tjenester. På konferencen blev DeiCs fremtidige strategi præsenteret.

Deputy IT Department Head David Foster fra CERN vil indledte konferencen med at illustrere de behov, internationale forskningsprojekter stiller til e-infrastrukturen. Efterfølgende var han ordstyrer på en paneldebat, der stiller det kontroversielle spørgsmål: ”Skal en computer til forskningsformål stå sikkert i kælderen på campus? – eller kan den lige så godt placeres i skyen, hvor der ofte er penge at spare?"

Konferencen havde 3 parallelle spor med  indhold, der varierede mellem hands-on workshops og indlæg med et strategisk fokus. En række af præsentationerne var på engelsk, og talerne kom fra ind- og udland, fra DeiC og universiteterne samt fra leverandørerne.

Vi håber deltagerne tog hjem fra konferencen med ny viden, der kunne anvendes direkte i dagligdagen, men også med nye tanker om og forventninger til e-infrastruktur til dansk forskning i fremtiden.

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The first DeiC Conference is over. The conference in 2013 will be held 1. - 2. October

In April 2012, the Danish Research Network (Forskningsnettet) and Danish Center for Scientific Computing (DCSC) was merged into Danish e-Infrastructure Cooperation – DeiC.

The DeiC conference replaced the annual DCSC meeting and the Forskningsnet konference.

The theme of the conference 2012 was “Data, computing and net – in the service of research”.  The conference focused on the users' expectations to DeiC and at the same time presented the existing services for Danish research and international research cooperations. The new DeiC strategy was presented at the conference.

Deputy IT Department Head David Foster from CERN opened the conference with an illustration of which needs international research projects have for e-infrastructure. Subsequently he moderated a panel discussion that asks the controversial question: “Should a computer for research projects be placed safely in the basement at campus? – or may it just as well be placed in the cloud, where money often can to be saved?”

The conference had 3 parallel tracks with content that ranges from hands-on workshops to presentations with a strategic focus. Some of the presentations was in English and the speakers were from Denmark and abroad, from DeiC and the universities as well as from our suppliers.

We hope, that the participants left the conference with new knowledge that can be used in their daily work, but also with thoughts on and expectations to the future for e-infrastructure for Danish research.

Revideret 01/12/15

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