EOSC-Nordic and how to offer your services via EOSC
Lene Krøl Andersen, Project Manager, EOSC-Nordic & Head of eScience Center, DeiC
Ilja Livenson, WP Lead, EOSC-Nordic & Software Architect, Estonian Scientific Computing Infrastructure
9:50 - Pause (skifte spor)
Spor 1 - Datamanagement
The Research Data Alliance (RDA) and what it can do for you
Anne Sofie Fink Kjeldgaard, The Danish National Archives
Spor 2 - HPC og eScience
Insights on World Class Research from National Supercomputing in DK
Birgitte Vedel Thage, Chefkonsulent, DeiC Kompetencecenter
Spor 3 - Net og services
100G netværk hos KU
Christian Vesth, Netværksspecialist, KU
Hans Henrik Happe, Sektionsleder, SCIENCE HPC Center, Niels Bohr Instituttet, KU
Spor 4 - Sikkerhed
Samarbejde mellem sektorerne: DKCERT som vært for telesektorens Decentrale Cyber- og Informationssikkerhedsenhed (DCIS). Hvorfor gør vi det?
Henrik Larsen, Chef for DKCERT og WAYF, DeiC
10:30 - Pause - kaffe - udstillingen er åben
Spor 1 - Datamanagement
Data licenses and practices of data licensing
Rasmus Rindom Riise, Copenhagen University Library/Royal Danish Library
Spor 2 - HPC og eScience
SDUCloud: cloud computing infrastructure for research
Claudio Pica, leder af SDU eScience Center, CEO DeiC National HPC Center
Dan Sebastian Thrane, Softwareudvikler, SDU eScience Center
Spor 3 - Net og services
An introduction to network performance monitoring with perfSONAR
Szymon Trocha, Researcher, Poznań Supercomputing & Networking Center
Spor 4 - Sikkerhed
Hvad betyder en styrket indsats til Informationssikkerhed hos AU fremadrettet?
Thomas Kaaber, Informationssikkerhedschef, AU
Spor 1 - Datamanagement
Data management by design
Bo Bai, Aalborg University
Karsten Kryger Hansen, Aalborg University
Spor 2 - HPC og eScience
CLAAUDIA: Research services - Cloud and HPC
Mads Boye, IT-Administrator, AAU
Spor 3 - Net og services
Data Transfer Nodes
Tim Chown, Network development manager, Jisc
Spor 4 - Sikkerhed
Hvordan bidrager adgangsstyring med WAYF til at højne sikkerheden for universiteterne?
Mads Freek Petersen, Chefkonsulent, WAYF, DeiC
Spor 1 - Datamanagement
Panel session
Fiona Murphy, Murphy Mitchell Consulting Ltd/Associate Fellow, University of Reading, UK
Jon Tennant, Research Fellow, IGDORE, the Center for Research and Interdisciplinarity, Paris, and SDU
Leonard Wee, Maastro, Netherlands
Spor 2 - HPC og eScience
Spor 3 - Net og services
Sådan hacker du FileSender
Martin Bech, Divisionsdirektør, DeiC
Scaling Research in a secure and compliant way - Experience from the anDREa consortium
Ariaan Siezen, Teamleader RTC Data Stewardship, productmanager Digital Research Environment
12:30 - Frokost
Spor 1 - Datamanagement
Open Science - what's all the fuss about?
Jon Tennant, Research Fellow, IGDORE, the Center for Research and Interdisciplinarity, Paris, and SDU
Spor 2 - HPC og eScience
Slurm 2019 opdatering
Ole Holm Nielsen, Senior HPC Officer, DTU
Spor 3 - Net og services
En it-afdeling der ikke selv drifter. Erfaringer med hel og delvis outsourcing af infrastruktur og andre basale it-services
René Storgaard Madsen, It- og digitaliseringschef, UCN
Spor 4 - Sikkerhed
Compliance debt & Secure Operative Compliance – by design
Henrik A. Boensvang, CEO, Cla Reply
Spor 1 - Datamanagement
A data what? Preliminary investigations into the role and qualifications of Data Stewards
Evgenios Vlachos, Research Librarian, University of Southern Denmark
Lorna Wildgaard, Data Management Specialist, Copenhagen University Library/The Royal Library
Spor 2 - HPC og eScience
Ceph at DTU Risø - Year One
Frank Schilder, Specialkonsulent, DTU
Spor 3 - Net og services
Campus Networks as a Service
Spor 4 - Sikkerhed
Den dag Iran overtog forskningsnettet, og hvorfor det kan ske igen?
Martin Bech, Divisionsdirektør, DeiC
14:30 - Pause - kaffe - udstillingen er åben
At forstå stjerners struktur kræver god forskningsinfrastruktur Professor Anja C. Andersen, Niels Bohr Institutet
Farvel og tak for denne gang
Steen Pedersen, CEO, DeiC
13:30 - SPOR 2
Slurm 2019 opdatering
Køsystemet Slurm anvendes på mange Linux clusters i Danmark. Slurm udvikler sig løbende med nye muligheder. I dette foredrag opsummeres nyheder i Slurm version 19.05, samt en diskussion af hvordan man moderniserer sin Slurm-installation.
11:00 - SPOR 1
Data licenses and practices of data licensing
In connection with data management, it is difficult not to face the concept of data licenses. Licenses are an integrated part of the data landscape and the open data movement, and most research funders have specific data licensing policies and requirements. But for many researchers and research support staff, data licensing is something of a jungle. What do the different licenses entail? What do the specific licenses imply for the licensors and licensees? And what role do the licenses play in relation to the FAIR principles? This presentation will attempt to shed light on these issues and provide insight into practices of data licensing.
11:30 - SPOR 1
Managing and controlling records, information and data with ISO 30300-series of standards
The international standards in the ISO 30300 series describe best practice for management and control of records, information and data in a life cycle perspective.
The series includes management system for records (ISO 30301) as well as a collection of methods and tool in the technical reports. The ISO 30300-series are business standards and serves as a link between the legislation on one hand and IT on the other. This talk will give an overview of business drivers and opportunities with the ISO 30300 series and will, with cases, show the use in public and private companies.
14:00 - SPOR 1
A data what? Preliminary investigations into the role and qualifications of Data Stewards
In this talk, we present the Data Management Forum project on “data stewardship”. Current investigations, preliminary findings and next steps in this work-in-progress will be discussed. Using text mining and content analysis of job vacancies for Data Stewards from international job-seeking databases and LinkedIn profiles describing the roles and competencies of Data Stewards in Denmark as a corpus, we have been able to identify distinct areas where a Data Steward is employable. Furthermore, we are conducting a thematic analysis of Data Steward educations offered in the corporate world and in academia. The combined results of the content analysis and thematic analysis will be presented at the DeiC conference with the aim, among others, to provide input for a possible prequalification of a Data Steward education in Denmark, e.g. curricula development, including specializations for Data Stewardship.
12:00 - SPOR 1
Data management by design
How do we work with requirements for delivering IT infrastructure and services to researchers? How do we support delivering services that support the reproducibility of science across the entire lifecycle? Through a collaboration across Danish universities, we sat down and started to construct architect views to reflect the data lifecycle and academic compliance into services. The output consists of architectural views that reflect how data management can be part of a design. This session will present the results, and showcase how this can be used to plan both services and deliver input to good data management training.
10:00 - SPOR 1
The Research Data Alliance (RDA) and what it can do for you
The Research Data Alliance (RDA) is a grassroots initiative funded by the EU, US and Australia for the purpose of building social and technical bridges for sharing and re-use of research data. Specifically in the form of working groups, where researchers and professionals develop for example technical standards, guidelines and domain specific best practices in research data management. In this talk we will explain what RDA is, how you can benefit from the outputs and recommendations generated by the RDA and how you can join the Danish Node – the Danish group of RDA.
13:30 - SPOR 1
Open Science - what's all the fuss about?
Science is not working as it should be. As a community, we are often slow and wasteful with our work, ruled by commercial interests, reproducibility issues and questionable research practices are common, and closed science means people are suffering. Enter Open Science! Open Science has become a sort of umbrella term to address many of these pressing issues that we all face. The Open Science MOOC is a community with a vision of helping to make 'open' the default setting for all future research. We want to help create a welcoming and supporting community, with good tools, teachers, and role-models, and built upon a solid values based foundation of freedom and equitable access to research. We help to provide researchers with new knowledge and skills to save time and effort, solve problems, and advance their research, while becoming world-changing heroes! This talk will explore the origins of the Open Science MOOC, how it works, and it's successes and challenges to date. Science was founded on openness. We closed it down. It's time to open it back up again.
10:00 - SPOR 2
Insights on World Class Research from National Supercomputing in DK
More than 500 publications have now included the use of DeiC National Supercomputing (ABACUS2.0, Computerome, Cultural Heritage Cluster, respectively). Furthermore, more than 50 projects were allocated compute power via the DeiC pilot project grants (3.000.000 Dkr) in 2015 to 2018. This talk gives an overview of user experiences as well as research outcome in terms of scientific disciplines that where front runners on National HPC (High Performance Computing), international ranking of journals, collaboration patterns and software tools used for data processing.
På KU har man fået opgraderet en del af sit Core Netværk med 100G forbindelser og dermed også nyt udstyr til at kunne håndtere dette. Christian Vesth fra KU’s netværksafdeling vil præsentere netværket og de opgraderinger, der er foretaget. Hans Henrik Happe fra KU’s HPC-gruppe vil snakke om hvad vi så bruger denne båndbredde til fra forskningssiden.
14:00 - SPOR 2
Ceph at DTU Risø - Year One
Since the first deployment of our ceph cluster in June 2018, we were running a pilot phase until March 2019, followed by a complete re-deployment in production-ready ceph configuration. Since then, the cluster serves the home file system of our new HPC cluster Sophia and block storage for our new open nebula private cloud DTU ONE. We will present our experience with these two main applications, what worked and what had to be changed, what bugs we hit and what we are changing to address the specific requirements of our workloads.
12:00 - SPOR 4
Scaling Research in a secure and compliant way - Experience from the anDREa consortium
In the field of research, including medical research, security and privacy compliance is an increasing challenge for anyone dealing with research data management. The often sensitive data which is handled in the research context needs to be properly handled and stored, while not restricting the researcher from obtaining results.
Furthermore it is increasing challenging to provide the researchers the necessary capacity and resources when needed to obtain the best research results.
The Digital Research Environment (DRE) is a solution built on Microsoft Azure to accomodate both the organizations and the researchers needs to be in control of research data management and cost, by providing safe and compliant workspaces. Included in the workspaces are tools and capacity needed for the researcher and it can scale according to needs.
The DRE was built by The anDREa Consortium (www.andrea-consortium.org), consisting of three large university medical centers in the Netherlands: Radboudumc, Erasmus MC and UMC Utrecht. The anDREa consortium is open for institutions across the world to join the consortium, so together we can take both research and The DRE to the next level.
13:30 - SPOR 3
En it-afdeling der ikke selv drifter. Erfaringer med hel og delvis outsourcing af infrastruktur og andre basale it-services
På professionshøjskolen UCN i nordjylland producerer it-afdelingen ikke længere de helt basale driftsydelser selv: System- og serverdrift, netværksdrift, print og klienthåndtering, men agerer som en "broker" ift. en række underleverandører. De bagvedliggende drivere og sourcing-strategien i UCN præsenteres. Vi tager et par nedslag i hvordan de bagvedliggende kontrakter/udbud er skruet sammen, og derudover deles de foreløbige erfaringer og resultater.
11:30 - SPOR 2
CLAAUDIA: Research services - Cloud and HPC
As computations have become increasingly necessary in most research fields, it is important that compute resources are easily available for AAU researchers. We try to solve that with CLAAUDIA with both data management, data science and compute services.
12:00 - SPOR 2
eduVPN - Better safe than sorry
DeiC udbyder nu eduVPN og vil gerne hjælpe institutioner, som vil erstatte deres nuværende VPN-løsning med eduVPN. eduVPN apps integreres med institutionernes SSO-løsning og WAYF. De kan bruges både som corporate VPN-løsning for at få adgang til beskyttede ressourcer hos institutioner, når man for eksempel arbejder hjemmefra. De samme apps kan også bruges på usikre netværker til at å en krypteret tunnel til Internettet gennem DeiC eller en af de andre internationale udbydere af eduVPN (Holland, Tyskland, Finland, Norge, Frankrig, Australien, Pakistan, Uganda og Ukraine), bare ved at vælge en anden profil.
11:00 - SPOR 3
An introduction to network performance monitoring with perfSONAR
perfSONAR is an international open source project, developed both by partners in the US and through GÉANT funding in Europe. It is focused on delivering a multi-domain network performance measurement and monitoring capability, with a particular emphasis on Research and Education (R&E) networks where high-speed, international data transfers are an increasingly common requirement. In this presentation we show how to design, deploy, configure and manage large-scale measurement capabilities which interoperate with the rest of any perfSONAR infrastructure. We will also discuss the current project and community experience in deploying perfSONAR.
EOSC-Nordic and how to offer your services via EOSC
EOSC-Nordic is an INFRAEOSC 5b granted H2020 project which started September 1st, 2019 and will run for three years. The EOSC-Nordic project aims to facilitate the coordination of EOSC relevant initiatives within the Nordic and Baltic countries and exploit synergies to achieve greater harmonization at policy and service provisioning across these countries, in compliance with EOSC agreed standards and practices.
The first part of this talk will give insight to the ambitions and activities planned out for EOSC-Nordic and how this will interlink at the national level in Denmark. The second part will focus on the technical aspects of ‘opening up’ services and enabling wider user reach through the EOSC framework.
14:00 - SPOR 4
Compliance debt & Secure Operative Compliance – by design
I will share my story and learnings of working with 'big corporates' in the conservative legal industry and show how we through co-creation created a system which is designed to bring forward the intended effect of GDPR and anti-money laundering regulations while also keeping the expensive time consumption to a minimum.
The demand for compliance by new legislation is straining the effectiveness and performance of the affected industries. The task of creating new compliant procedures is often assigned to a person who does not have full insight into the demands stated by the law and does not have good tools for creating efficient workflows. This creates what I call 'compliance debt'.
Often, compliance tasks become an unintended road block for actualising the intended effect of the specific legislation.
Over the last year my startup has focused on creating automatic digital workflows that address the aforementioned problems with a design regime we call 'operative compliance' – inspired by a 360 year old tried and tested workflow.
Literally, 'compliance' is the state of according with rules or standards. In practice, compliance is often achieved with controls that prove certain measures have been taken. I want to extend this notion of compliance and challenge: Why isn’t 'compliance' also the state of maximising the intended effect?
My proposal would move the focus from controls to effect.
Certain GDPR and anti-money laundering regulations have demanded. a complex and heavy focus on performing time consuming checks and control tasks. In most organizations, merely performing the checks and reports have become the main focus, instead of actually mitigating the risk of spreading sensitive data or anti-money laundering.
By utilising the above-mentioned framework we end up with a setup that not only simplifies the compliance workload but also simplifies the data-governance and data-audit procedures.
13:30 - SPOR 3
Campus Network as a Service in Norway
Uninett will from 2020 offer a new service, Campus Network as a Service (CNaaS), where we will operate the campus networks of interested customers. CNaaS has a strong emphasis on quality and security. The design will be highly redundant and flexible.
11:00 - SPOR 4
Hvad betyder en styrket indsats til Informationssikkerhed hos AU fremadrettet?
Aarhus Universitet besluttede medio 2018, som del af en større digitaliseringsstrategi, at øge ressourcerne til IT- og Informationssikkerhed. Herunder en konkret aktivitetsplan for Informationssikkerhed de kommende år på tværs af organisation, processer og teknologi. Hvilke overvejelser og betydning har stor organisatorisk diversitet, flydende grænser mellem områder som infrastruktur, data management og databeskyttelse på arbejdet med Informationssikkerhed og de konkrete aktiviteter? Thomas Kaaber løfter sløret for nogle af sine refleksioner, som forholdsvis ny Informationssikkerhedschef på Aarhus Universitet.
12:00 - SPOR 4
Samarbejde mellem sektorerne: DKCERT som vært for telesektorens Decentrale Cyber- og Informationssikkerhedsenhed (DCIS). Hvorfor gør vi det?
Den Nationale Strategi for Cyber- og Informationssikkerhed fra 2018 foreskriver, at seks samfundskritiske infrastruktursektorer bl.a. skal oprette decentrale Cyber- og Informationssikkerhedsenheder (DCIS) som et led i styrkelsen af Danmarks beredskab mod brud på cybersikkerheden. DeiCs sikkerhedstjeneste DKCERT har indgået kontrakt om at opstille og drive telesektorens DCIS.
Henrik Larsen, chef for DeiCs sikkerheds- og identitetstjenester, DKCERT og WAYF, forklarer, hvordan dette offentlig-private samarbejde også styrker forsknings- og uddannelsessektorens cyberberedskab.
12:00 - SPOR 3
Sådan hacker du FileSender
Hvilke tjenester kan man bruge til følsomme og fortrolige data? Hvordan bruger man tjenesterne på en sikker og på en usikker måde? Hvordan kan vi sammen hjælpe vores brugere til en bedre adfærd? Det ser vi nogle eksempler på i dette indlæg, hvor vi bl.a. ser på hvorfor vi f.eks. mener at FileSender er et godt og nyttigt værktøj, men at vi samtidig ikke anbefaler det til følsomme og fortrolige data.
14:00 - SPOR 4
Den dag Iran overtog forskningsnettet, og hvorfor det kan ske igen!
Det var noget af et chok den dag en del af forskningsnettets adresser pludselig blev routet til Iran. Flere institutioner oplevede at være uden internetforbindelse og potentielt set kunne servere i Iran give sig ud for at være fra institutioner på forskningsnettet. Selvom selve begivenhedsforløbet blev beskrevet i vores nyheder og flere steder i medierne, kan der alligevel være værdi i at se på det igen og forstå hvorfor det vil kunne ske igen, hvad vi har gjort for at forberede os på næste gang og hvad man selv kan gøre for at beskytte sig.
11:30 - SPOR 3
Data Transfer Nodes
In this talk we explore how data transfer nodes (DTNs) can be used as part of a broader architecture to improve the performance of large-scale data transfers between organisations within a national research and education network (NREN) or further afield. We will look at example deployments of DTNs, both on NREN backbones and within sites as part of a Science DMZ, and follow up the previous talk on perfSONAR by showing how perfSONAR can validate the performance benefit of well-configured DTNs. We will also report on the NREN data transfer infrastructure survey that was recently run by the GÉANT GN4-3 project, presenting a summary of the results.