DeiC konference 2013
DeiC takker alle for nogle gode inspirerende dage med højt fagligt udbytte omkring temaet: ” The Future of e-Science - Big Data - Big Science”
Vi ser frem til at mødes i 2014.
Næste års DeiC konference finder sted.
Tid: Tirsdag den 30. september - onsdag den 1. oktober 2014
Sted: Hotel Comwell, Middelfart
Se tirsdagens konferenceprogram 2013 og oplægsholdernes PowerPoint præsentationer m.m.
Se onsdagens konferenceprogram 2013 og oplægsholdernes PowerPoint præsentationer m.m.
Se deltagerlisten 2013
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Tilmelding til DeiC konference 2013
Keynotes 2013
Konferencen vil blive åbnet af Associate Director of Health Sciences at Internet2 Michael Sullivan, som vil perspektivere DeiC konferencens tema med følgende oplæg: "Big Data - Big Challenges"
The issues surrounding big data are complex and interwoven. The research and education networking community has begun to address a number of these issues, but much remains to be done. What can we do to best promote 'friction-free science in a programmable world'?
Konferencens anden keynote er Persondataspecialist PhD Charlotte Bagger Tranberg, Bech-Bruun, under titlen: "Big Data i fremtidens persondataret"
Oplægget kommer til at fokusere de persondataretlige problemstillinger, som kommer til at knytte sig til anvendelsen af big data. Databehandlere skal altid behandle personoplysninger til formål, som er fast forud for behandlingen af personoplysninger. Spørgsmålet er, hvad der sker, når dette formål ændres i forbindelse med anvendelsen af big data. Anvendelsen af big data sættes også i forhold til den kommende persondataforordning.
DeiC konferencens afslutningskeynote vil blive givet af Prof. Manuel Delfino, Director, Port d'Informació Científica (PIC), Barcelona, Spain: "Enabling data-driven science with optimized high-throughput data processing combined with long-term storage"
"Enabling the transition to data-driven science" will explore the interplay between technological and human aspects given that "Turning these "Big Science Data" into reliable scientific results requires the tight coupling of high performance clusters to high throughput storage systems in order to enable good turnaround for analysis jobs. In addition, there are increasing requirements for sharing data amongst scientists scattered worldwide, for archiving data enabling the possibility of re-analysis many years after the first scientific results have been published, and to make scientific data produced with public-funding accessible in an open but controlled manner. Addressing all of these requirements involves a number of techniques, ranging from questioning deeply rooted concepts such as File Systems or RAID arrays, to re-discovering mainframe techniques from the 1970s such as recall-optimized tape systems. But technology alone cannot solve the "Big Science Data" problem, therefore it is essential for scientists and computer specialists to work together to develop working methodologies to ensure that the technological solutions will be effective, efficient and economic."
Lightning Talk og poster præsentation
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