National HPC * - Vælg -DeiC National Life-Science Supercomputer, DTU (Computerome)DeiC National HPC Center, SDU (ABACUS2.0)DeiC National Cultural Heritage Cluster, KB (KAC)Type 1 (Interactive HPC)Type 2 (Throughput HPC)Type 3 (Large Memory HPC)Type 4 (Accelerated HPC)Type 5 (Capability HPC) Example to file: Stella, S. et al. (2017) Structure of Cfp1 endonuclease R-loop complex after target DNA cleavage. Nature. 546 (7659) 559-563. DOI: 10.1038/nature22398. First author * (Ex. Stella, S. et al.) Year * (Ex. 2017) Title * (Ex. Structure of Cpf1 endonuclease R-loop complex after target DNA cleavage) Journal name * (Ex. Nature) Volume (Ex. 546) Issue (Ex. 7659) Pages (Ex. 559-563) DOI * (Ex. 10.1038/nature22398) Article Attach articleFiler skal være mindre end 2 MB.Tilladte filtyper: pdf