DeiC funding for High Performance Computing

The following information was published on the original DeiC web site in 2013. It is published here for archival purposes and is no longer valid.

Call for Proposals

The Danish e-Infrastructure Cooperation (DeiC) has set aside 15 MDKK (MEUR 2) in year 2013 for acquisitions of or access to High Performance Computer (HPC) hardware. The call is part of a transition phase, phasing out the hitherto Danish Center for Scientific Computing (DCSC) funding model, to be replaced by a new agreement between Danish universities on funding and organization of HPC in Denmark, yet to be decided.

Call Opening Date: 12 April 2013

Call Closing Date: 24 May 2013

The aim of this call is to provide researchers in Denmark with access to HPC processing power or data storage for research projects with strong emphasis on high-performance large-scale computing. Funding for HPC will be awarded to individual researchers or research groups via a Primary Investigator (PI).

Application and Grant Types

DeiC allocates two types of HPC resources in 2013:

1. Funds for setting up new or expanding existing computing or storage systems, within university computer centers. The PI must define the project in terms of HPC needs, and preferred HPC architecture, machine type, configuration and capacity. PI’s must state the estimated total cost of ownership (TCO) – i.e. operation costs - related to hosting the hardware applied for. This must be done in cooperation with the university computer center* expected to host the hardware (Appendix B).

2. Access to HPC processing time or storage capacity. This grant type is appropriate when the PI is:

An experienced HPC user, whom:

  • Does not require a specific HPC architecture, other than what can be termed a standard Linux based HPC cluster, with standard storage.
  • Does not require substantial HPC resources, or only so for limited time periods.

A new HPC user that needs to get acquainted with HPC and storage applications.

Application Downloads

Download the full call text and guidelines: DeIC_Call_2013 (PDF)
Download the DeiC application form, following the template from the Danish Agency for Science Technology and Innovation (DOC Version) or (ODT Version)

Peer Reviewing Process

The evaluation of applications is handled by The Danish Council for Independent Research, which is comprised of a Board of Directors and the following five research councils: DFF Humanities, DFF Natural Sciences, DFF Social Sciences, DFF Medical Sciences and DFF Technology and Production Sciences.


Further questions or expressions of interest can be addressed to the DeiC, attn.: Rene Belso.

Revideret 25/11/15

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